AMERICA! Thomas Jefferson stated some 200 years ago: "We did produce a near perfect Republic. Will we keep it or, in the enjoyment of it, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction." Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French philosopher early in the last century, came to our shores to discover what magical quality enabled a handful of people to defeat the British Empire twice in 35 years. He looked for the greatness of America in her fertile soil, her limitless forests and natural resources. He examined America's schools, her Congress, and her unique Constitution without fully understanding the source of her greatness. It was not, he said later, until he went into the churches of America and found congregations "aflame with righteousness" that he began to comprehend the secret of this power. Upon his return to France, de Tocqueville wrote: "America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." America!!!! Where have you gone??? Morality has been turned inside out in our nation. Abortion, homosexual perversions, euthanasia, assisted suicides and a host of other immoral behaviors have been given the seal of approval by both church and society. Good has become evil; evil has become good. One is reminded of the final temptation that satan had planned for Jesus, and a tactic that he finds effective much of the time, was COMPROMISE. "Give just a little." (Jesus was taken to a very high mountain where he was shown all the kingdoms of the world in all their splendor. Satan said, "All this I will give to you ... if you will bow down and worship me.") Satan offers us the world if we want it, but he delivers only pain, heartache and shame. In our politics, Bob Dole is called the Great Compromiser. Bill Clinton continually says we need to compromise so that the country can move forward, Ross Perot says he will form committees to reach equitable compromises to solve our problems. Farewell America! You have died on the field of compromise. No longer does the truth mean anything to you America. Your people attempt to redefine truth every time they dont agree with the definition of truth. Goodbye America! You no longer care about righteousness, but rather only care about your material goods. You have forgotten that material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction. You have compromised with evil to maintain your abundance and with evil you are in agreement. So Long America! You have gathered to yourself immoral leaders who no longer know what truth is, nor do they know of righteousness. They seduce you to further compromise with their lying tongues and you further compromise by accepting it as the nature of politics and politicians. You have accepted evil leaders and in turn have become evil because you compromise with evil. But you now call it good rather than evil. Don't look for good or righteous leaders America, for you will find none. Unless you become a good and righteous people again, your leaders will be what you deserve. Immoral and evil liars who deceive and get deceived, who compromise even their very souls. But on the day you become a good and righteous people again, God will raise up one from among you, a good and righteous leader to lead you once again. Bye Bye America! You have drug the truth to the scaffold, while the great satanic lie of secular humanism has been exalted in our nation's halls of learning. Truth has been trampled under the heels of moral relativism, while satanic lies are proclaimed, even from the pulpits and altars of our churches. Alexis de Tocqueville was right America! You are no longer Great and I have lived to see my country die because it has become the evil it has compromised with. America the Beautiful! America the Great Nation! May God have pity on your people!